
Ramadan 1443 Program

Ramadan Mubarak.
The month of fasting starts from April 2nd inshallah.

First taraweeh will be Friday April first.
Taraweeh prayer will be eleven rak’ahs and will start right after Ishaa prayer as follow:

  • Four raka’ah
  • Five min break with short lesson sheikh Mohammed
  • Four raka’ah
  • Witr

There will be Quran lesson daily after ASR prayer Sheikh Ahmed

MSPEI Executives will be arranging iftar at the masjid.

  • by money.
  • cooking food for IFTAR and drop it at the Masjid.
  • Non perishable food items donation can be dropped at the masjid for the needy.

Youth committee will make food baskets in the first week of Ramadan for distribution.
NOTE:- please coordinate with executives. That will allows us to prepare the family IFTAR list.

May this sacred month bring peace, love and harmony to the community.
