
Important Announcement: Mosque Re-opening

Following the decision of the PEI government to progressively lift public health measures on individuals, communities, and organizations, the Muslim Society decided to re-open Masjid Dar as-Salam for the five daily prayers. (you can also check this Important Announcement: Friday Prayer ).

The following conditions will be strictly followed and enforced.

Individuals who decide not to follow the following rules will not be admitted into the mosque without exception.

  1. The mosque doors will be open 15 minutes before prayer (Iqama). Proof of Double Vaccination is required by all.
  2. People MUST sanitize their hands when they come into the mosque and when they leave. A sanitizer will be available at the entrance.
  3. People joining the prayer must wear a mask. No masks will be provided at the mosque.
  4. People joining the prayer must bring their own prayer mat. No prayer mats will be provided at the mosque.
  5. Washrooms and ablution (wudu) areas will NOT be accessible. People coming to the mosque must perform their ablution (wudu) before coming to prayer.
  6. Avoid touching anything in the mosque, including copies of the Quran.
  7. Once the prayer is completed, people must leave the mosque one person at a time. No individual will be allowed to remain in the mosque. The mosque will then be closed and sanitized until the next prayer.
  8. The social distancing of at least 2 meters (6 feet) must and will be maintained at all times.
  9. Please, give a friendly wave to others, if you wish, instead of a handshake, kiss, or hug.
  10. No gatherings will be allowed on mosque property after prayer. People must leave the property right after prayer.

Please note: You must NOT come to the mosque:

  1. If you are sick with a cold, cough, sneeze, fever, the flu, difficulty breathing, etc. (you should also see your doctor).
  2. If you have been out of the province for the last 14 days.
  3. Who is at high risk: (according to Government of Canada website):
    1. People with medical conditions including heart disease, high blood pressure, lung disease, diabetes, cancer, etc.
    2. People with weakened immune systems from a medical condition or treatment such as chemotherapy.
    3. Older adults are also considered to be in the high-risk category.